With 30 June on the horizon the end of this financial year is fast approaching. If you have been struggling with old accounting software or Excel worksheets why not try eliminating these struggles before the new financial year? Why not change? Xero is beautiful online accounting software that is both easy and affordable to use, so much so that thousands of small businesses have made the transition. Utilising the power of the cloud Xero holds many advantages over other accounting software.
The cloud is, in basic terms, the delivery of computing as a service rather than a product over the internet. The software and data are hosted by a provider on their servers off site which we can access via the internet through a web browser. We already utilise the cloud checking emails, online banking, social media applications and many more. However, the cloud has consumed the way we live because of the power of mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets, the ability to access information anywhere and at anytime. For more information directly relating to the cloud please refer to our previous blogs.
• Data and system isn’t up-to-date
• Only works on one computer and data bounces from place to place
• Only one person has user access
• It’s costly and complicated to keep back ups
• It’s expensive, difficult and time-consuming to upgrade software
• Customer support is expensive and slowThe benefits of Xero speak for themselves:
• Cloud security is world class (same security as online banking)
• Clear overview of current financial position, in real-time
• Multi-user access makes it easy to collaborate online with your team and advisors
• Worry-free maintenance
• Everything is run online, so nothing to install and everything automatically backed up
• Upfront business costs are reduced – version upgrades, maintenance, system administration costs and server failures are no longer issues